Privacy Policy


The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.

We will ensure that we treat all personal information in accordance with data protection legislation, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.

We take your privacy very seriously. It is important that you read this Privacy Notice, together with any other privacy notice we may provide when we are collecting or processing personal information about you (including our Personal Information Charter, Employee Privacy Notice and Vetting Privacy Notice), so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information, how it is legal and your rights.

This privacy notice applies to personal data provided in connection with applications made to the NDA related to open vacancies or longer-term career opportunities. You need to read and be aware of this privacy notice if you apply for a vacancy or submit a CV or profile in connection with current or future career opportunities within the NDA.


Our Contact Details

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)

Herdus House 
Westlakes Science & Technology Park 
Moor Row 
CA24 3HU



Changes to the Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time and any updates will be published. We therefore encourage you to access this Privacy Notice periodically for the most up to date information on our privacy practices. Changes to the purposes for which we process your data will be highlighted to you.


The type of personal information we collect & how we get it

Information provided by you:

We collect and process the following information (not exhaustive):

  • Your personal details including your full name, address, date of birth, email address, phone numbers;
  • Information included on your CV including references, education history and employment history;
  • Equality and diversity information including details of your ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion and beliefs, disabilities (including any needs for reasonable adjustments at interview).


We will also take notes during your interview, or record any tests taken as part of the recruitment process, which will form part of your recruitment record. Additional information will be required if you are successful for an employment opportunity at the NDA, including:

  • Proof of your right to work in the United Kingdom (for example a copy of your passport, birth certificate or working visa);
  • Documentation for role specific requirements (for example a copy of your driving licence or professional qualifications);
  • National Insurance number;
  • Permission to contact your previous employers/education to verify your history;
  • Proof of your qualifications
  • Bank details (to process your salary payments)
  • Emergency contact details

Information provided by third parties:

  • We will contact your referees directly, using the details you provide in your application, to obtain references;

Please be aware that all recorded information is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 & Data Protection Act 2018 (Subject Access etc.).


Why we use your information:

We will process this information if you apply for a role with NDA in order to assess your suitability for the role, progress your application and to help us develop and improve our recruitment process:

  • Personal information including gender, ethnicity and age is collected for monitoring purposes only and will not be used in any decisions affecting you. The responses you give will assist us greatly in our commitment to diversity and inclusion and will be kept strictly confidential;
  • Employment and educational data is collected to help us understand your suitability for vacancies to which you applied;
  • Data that verifies your identity is collected to ensure you are able to work for the NDA group.


Application stage

If you use our online application system, your details will be collected by our Applicant Tracking System which is held on the Tribepad platform (see Tribepad Privacy Policy for further details on how they process your data).


Our recruiters and hiring managers shortlist applications for interview. Hiring managers will not be provided with your equal opportunities information if you have provided it.


We may ask you to attend an interview and complete assessments, including a psychometric test for certain roles. Information will be generated by you and by us. For example, you might complete a presentation task or we might take interview notes and this information will be held by us.

Conditional offer

If we make a conditional offer of employment, we will carry out pre-employment checks. You must successfully complete pre-employment checks to progress to a final offer. We must confirm the identity of our staff and their right to work in the United Kingdom, and seek assurance as to their trustworthiness, integrity and reliability. We will also carry out national security vetting via UK Security Vetting (UKSV).

How we make decisions about recruitment

Recruitment decisions, including shortlisting candidates, are made by hiring managers and members of our recruitment team taking account of all the information gathered during the application process. We do not use automated decision-making for decisions about shortlisting or recruitment.


Organisations that we may share your data with

We may share this information with the constituent organisations within the NDA group, namely Sellafield Limited, Nuclear Restoration Services, Nuclear Waste Services and Nuclear Transport Solutions. We may also share your data with our subsidiaries including NDA Archives Limited, NDA Properties, Rutherford Indemnity and Energus.

The NDA has contracts with a number of third-party service providers, who provide the administration and ‘back office’ services that ensure the efficient day-to-day operation of our recruitment and selection process. These third parties will process applicant information in accordance with NDA instructions and make decisions regarding the information as part of the delivery of their services. We take steps to ensure that our service providers process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Laws, only use it in accordance with our contract with them and keep it secure.

In some circumstances, disclosures of applicant personal information to the police (and other law enforcement agencies) are permitted by the UK General Data Protection Regulations, if they are necessary for the prevention or detection of crime and/or the apprehension or prosecution of offenders. Each police request to the NDA is dealt with on a strictly case by case basis to ensure that any such disclosure is lawful and proportionate.

The NDA may also disclose applicant information to other third parties in order to defend our legal rights, or in an emergency where the health or personal security of an applicant is at risk.

We do not sell or exchange our mailing list with other companies or organisations for marketing purposes.


Lawful basis for processing:

Processing of personal data is deemed acceptable within the UK GDPR for the following reasons and legal bases:


The lawful basis we use to process your personal data in relation to this process is article 6(1)(b) of the UK GDPR, which allows us to process personal data where it is necessary for the performance of a contract of which you are party to, or in order to take steps at your request, prior to entering into a contract.


Legal obligation

If you provide us with any information about reasonable adjustments you require under the Equality Act 2010 the lawful basis we rely on for processing this information is article 6(1)(c) to comply with our legal obligations under the Act.


We will require your consent under article 6(1)(a) if you register to receive alerts about alternative vacancies/roles at the NDA via the Applicant Tracking System.

Substantial public interest

The lawful basis we rely on to process any information you provide as part of your application which is special category data, such as health, religious, sexual orientation or ethnicity information are article 9(2)(b) of the UK GDPR, which relates to our obligations in employment and the safeguarding of your fundamental rights or article 9(2)(g) - necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

Employment purposes

The additional Data Protection Act 2018 processing conditions we rely on are Schedule 1 part 1(1) which relates to processing for employment purposes and Schedule 1, part 2 paragraph 6 – statutory etc and government purposes.

Regulatory requirements relating to unlawful acts and dishonesty

It is necessary for us to process criminal offence data such as the information required for any security clearance (BPSS, SC). The lawful basis we rely to process this data are Article 6(1)(e) for the performance of our public task. In addition we rely on the processing condition at Schedule 1 part 2 paragraph 6(2)(a).

How we store your information

Personal data is kept within the NDA’s HR and IT systems. We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. We aim to ensure that the level of security and the measures adopted to protect your personal data are appropriate for the risks presented by the nature and use of your personal data.

Retention and deletion of your personal data

We only retain your personal information for as long as we need it in order to provide you with the service you have requested from us.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified that their data (including results of any assessments) will be deleted from the Applicant Tracking System after 2 years from the end of the relevant recruitment process. However, if you register to stay on the system and be notified of other suitable vacancies we will hold your data for 6 months from the date of your last access/update. Please note, your data may be held beyond the specified retention period where there is the potential for it to be required for legal purposes.

If your job application is successful, your information including psychometric test results (if required) will be kept for the duration of your contract of employment plus 6 years for auditing purposes.

Transfers of your personal data outside the UK or EEA

The service providers that we share your personal data with may from time to time, transfer personal data outside the UK or EEA. Any such international transfer of your data will be carried out in accordance with the Data Protection Laws to safeguard your privacy rights and give you remedies in the unlikely event of a security breach or to any other similar approved mechanisms. If you would like more information about our processors and any international transfers of your data, please contact us via

Your data protection rights

Under data protection law you have rights, including:

  • The right to be informed (which this notice fulfils);
  • The right of access;
  • The right to rectification;
  • The right to erasure;
  • The right to restrict processing;
  • The right to data portability;
  • The right to object;
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling (please note, this does not currently apply at the NDA)

For a detailed explanation of these rights, and the specific circumstances in which they apply, please visit the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) website

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, including where you are seeking a copy of your own personal information, please contact the DPO via

How to complain

If you wish to make a complaint to the NDA about the way in which we have processed your personal information please contact the DPO using the email address above.

If you remain dissatisfied with the response received, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the ICO. The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights, and they can investigate and adjudicate on any data protection related concerns you raise with them.  They can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

0303 123 1113
